Self registration
Online payments
Call history
Mac OS
Apple IOS
All what you need to start new business in one day!
Self registration
Online payments
Call history
Mac OS
Apple IOS
Invoicing system
Call recording
PBX services
Call center
SMS Gateway
CRM modules
99.9% Uptime.
External did numbers.
Ready to use.
PIN authentication.
Caller ID authentication.
Rate management.
Voucher system to recharge accounts.
Your brand and logo.
Your web site integration.
Use your own voice gateways.
Your own rate plans.
External payment solutions.
Branded applications.
You could choose: use your gateways to terminate user's calls
or use our partners high quality A-Z voice routes.
Voice and SMS real time billing. Multi-currency. Sub accounts support.
Class 5 softswitch. Hosted pbx features. Calls recording.
Automatic invoicing. Milti-currency. Multi-language support.
Visa, MasterCard and all major payment systems supported. Bank transfer payments processing.
All what you need for managing your retail VoIP business and control clients relationships.
Online support ticket management and control module. CRM integrated.
SMS routing module. SMPP and HTTP API supported.
Home and business customers rich-featured web portal.
Boost your income potential by adding retail VoIP services to your portfolio.